Volume 4 Archives - The Communist https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/category/by-thw-issue/volume-4/ A Journal of the Theory and Practice of Marxism-Leninism Thu, 20 Mar 2025 00:50:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-pcusawheat-32x32.png Volume 4 Archives - The Communist https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/category/by-thw-issue/volume-4/ 32 32 239354500 Palestinian Communist Hero Exposes Hamas Ideology and its Actions https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/palestinian-communist-hero-exposes-hamas-ideology-and-its-actions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=palestinian-communist-hero-exposes-hamas-ideology-and-its-actions https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/palestinian-communist-hero-exposes-hamas-ideology-and-its-actions/#respond Thu, 20 Mar 2025 00:47:38 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=299 Naim al-Ashhab “Abu Bashar”, a Palestinian communist leader and head of the Palestinian People’s Party, died recently (September 21) at the age of 95 in Prague, the capital of Czechia. Al-Ashhab was born in Hebron in 1929. As a teenager he moved with his family to live in the German colony in Jerusalem. At the […]

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Naim al-Ashhab “Abu Bashar”, a Palestinian communist leader and head of the Palestinian People’s Party, died recently (September 21) at the age of 95 in Prague, the capital of Czechia. Al-Ashhab was born in Hebron in 1929. As a teenager he moved with his family to live in the German colony in Jerusalem. At the age of 19, he joined the League for National Liberation, in which the Arab communists in Israel were active, which supported the UN resolution of November 29, 1947 to divide Palestine-Israel, which was under British colonial occupation, into two states, Jewish and Arab. Following the war in 1948, the members of the al-Ashhab family were forced to move as refugees to Hebron, from where they moved to Old Jerusalem.

Due to his political activity in opposition to the Hashemite royal house within the Jordanian Communist Party, al-Ashhab was arrested. In October 1954 he was forced to go underground. In April 1957, against the backdrop of mass demonstrations protesting the dismissal of Suleiman Alanbulsi’s government, al-Ashhab was sentenced to 16 years in prison, but managed to escape his pursuers. In August 1966, the security services captured him in Amman and threw him into prison. Upon his release from prison in June 1967, al-Ashhab returned to Old Jerusalem.

From the Jordanian Prison … to the Israeli Prison

Due to his political activity against the Israeli occupation, he was placed under administrative arrest time after time. In total he spent 38 months in Israeli prison. In August 1971, following an international campaign for his release, he was released and deported abroad. He represented his Communist Party in the international arena and was a member of the Central Council of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Following the signing of the Oslo Accords in May 1993, al-Ashhab returned to Jerusalem. As part of his public activity, he developed close ties with the Israeli Communist Party (MAKI), Hadash, as well as circles and individuals in the Peace Camp in Israel. His mastery of the Hebrew language, which he first acquired in prison, helped him.

As a regular columnist in the daily Alayam, which is published in Ramallah, al-Ashhab published an article in June 2001 in which he denounced the suicide attacks aimed at civilians in Israeli territory. In his opinion, the attacks united Israeli society behind Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and inflicted heavy damage on the just Palestinian struggle in international public opinion. In a book he published in the spring of 2003 under the title, Similar and Different Aspects of the Two Intifadas, al-Ashhab emphasized that the contribution of the 1987 Stone Intifada to the Palestinian people was immeasurably greater than that of the 2000 Intifada to break the vicious cycle of violence

In 2006 in Ramallah he published the book, Hamas: From Refusal to Rule. In the first part of the book, Al-Ashhab describes the connection of the founders of Hamas to the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt. Historian Dr. Yosef Algazi, a former member of the editorial staff of Zo Deghare, published comprehensive reviews of al-Ashhab’s book on the Left Bank website. Below are excerpts from the reviews.

“From the beginning of their journey in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood stated that Islam is essentially an all-encompassing law for the orders of this world and the next. They opposed the principle of separation of religion from the state and secularism. According to them, the source of the struggle against colonialism and imperialism is the cross. They wanted to monopolize Islam, take control of it and present their opponents as the enemies of Islam. This is how they justified the assassination operations they carried out against their opponents. They did not hide that their goal was to put an end to the party regime. The founder of their organization, Hassan Albana, stated that Islam is ‘a Koran and a sword’.”

Referring to the activity of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1948, al-Ashhab revealed that, in addition to sending volunteers to the war in Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt engaged in underground-terrorist activity. In their opinion, the essence of the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian struggle is religious—Islam against Judaism and not necessarily a struggle against imperialism and Zionism. Their men carried out acts of terror against Jewish targets in Egypt, mainly in Cairo, where they killed Jews and destroyed businesses.

The book also shows that in the first years of the Israeli occupation following the 1967 Six-Day War, the activity of the Muslim Brotherhood was not felt in the occupied territories. The picture changed in the 1970s. The results of the local authority elections in the occupied territories in 1976 brought nationalist and left-wing elements to the forefront of the Palestinian political arena. At the same time, the celebration of the first Earth Day in Israel that year indicated the strengthening of the influence of the communists. In order to curb these left-wing elements, political Islam raised its head in the occupied territories and in Israel. This awakening benefited from massive and visible support, political and material, on the part of Saudi Arabia, as well as encouragement, sometimes not hidden, on the part of the Israeli establishment. In those days, the Islamic movement arose in Israel. In 1979, the Israeli occupation authorities granted Sheikh Ahmed Yassin a license to establish the “Al-Mujama Al-Islami” association, from which the Hamas movement grew.

In the 1980s, the followers of Sheikh Yassin set fire to the offices and the library of the Red Crescent Society in Gaza, headed by Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi, a leftist. Fatah officials collaborated with the attackers, while the occupation authorities turned a blind eye to the arson. It should be noted that in 2006 armed members of Hamas destroyed the headquarters of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) in Nablus, threw a lecturer from the third floor of Al-Najah College, and in Hebron attacked left-wing students at the College of Technology.

The Israeli authorities, the PLO leadership in Tunis as well as the Muslim Brotherhood in the territories treated the first intifada, which broke out at the end of 1987, as a passing phenomenon. When it became clear to the PLO and the Muslim Brotherhood that they were wrong, they invested great efforts to control it. The Muslim Brotherhood acted against the united national leadership of the first intifada in the territories. It consisted of operators of Fatah, the Communist Party, the Popular Front and the Democratic Front.

The establishment of the ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’

In January 1988, the Muslim Brotherhood under the leadership of Sheikh Yassin established the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). Even under their new name, Yassin and his men persisted in the policy of non-cooperation with the organizations that led the intifada. At every opportunity they differed from them: they announced their own strike days and raised slogans along the lines of “Islam is the solution”, “Our land is Islamic and this is its essence”; “Jews left our country”, “According to the Koran, the extinction of Israel is an inevitable fact.” With the funds transferred to them by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, they established an extensive network of welfare institutions and services that strengthened their influence.

In his book, al-Ashhab took issue with many sections of the Hamas charter. He stated that the Hamas slogan regarding the establishment of the state of Palestine “from the river to the sea” served the official Israeli policy. According to him, Palestinian extremism was the main ally of the Israeli governments who declared that their actions against the Palestinian people were in the nature of “self-defense”. At the same time, feelings of despair and frustration pushed Palestinians to extreme positions.

In its charter, Hamas rules out any political and diplomatic activity to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of UN resolutions. Article 13 of the charter rules out peace solutions, international initiatives and conferences that, in its opinion, “are nothing more than another means for the control of the infidels over the land of the Muslims.” “Any giving up of a piece of land from Palestine is a renunciation of part of the religion,” states the convention.

After quoting a verse attributed to the Prophet Muhammad calling for the killing of Jews, Al-Ashhab came out in a buffer against this notion and mentioned the contribution of Jews who oppose the occupation to the Palestinian struggle. He named, among others, MK Meir Vilner, the communist who was stabbed by an assassin due to his opposition to the June 1967 war; the participants in the protests against the settlements, land expropriation and the wall, and those who protect Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest season. Al-Ashhab’s conclusion:

“Common sense says, that cutting off our people from its allies, regardless of which religion or nationality they belong to, serves the Israeli enemy and its support—American imperialism.”

Following the signing of the Oslo Accords and the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, Hamas carried out a series of terrorist attacks inside Israel. At the end of 2000, Hamas increased its suicide attacks, which were mainly aimed at civilians in the Green Line. Al-Ashhab lamented that later, the Fatah organization that controlled the Palestinian Authority did not stand up against these actions, but instead followed:

“… a wrong and dangerous course of action that caused heavy damage to the Palestinian cause in the international arena and made it easier for Israel to increase the suppression of legitimate opposition to the occupation. From then on, the label of terrorism was affixed for any act of resistance to the occupation.”

The Israeli Policy of Strengthening Hamas

The late communist leader believed that Hamas’s refusal to recognize the validity of UN resolutions and the agreements signed by the PLO and Israel caused the Palestinian people to starve. The refusal allows the Israeli government to evade conducting substantive negotiations with the Palestinian side and force unilateral moves. Al-Ashhab believed that the Israeli government is not interested in overthrowing the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip and prefers that it remain weak and isolated. Israel worked to exacerbate the intra-Palestinian conflict so that it could degenerate into a civil war. Hamas, Al-Ashhab pointed out, aims to hold on to power at any cost. He behaves like the political Islam that dominates Iran and like the Taliban in Afghanistan. Al-Ashhab stated that some of the changes in the political style of Hamas since it came to power in the Gaza Strip were aimed at calming the vigilance of its opponents, so that it could strengthen its position and fortify its rule. Islamic fundamentalism states that the source of the legitimacy of any government is the Koran and the Sunnah (Muslim law) and not the voter.

Al-Ashhab noted:

“If Article 17 of the Hamas Charter miraculously elevates the role of the Palestinian woman as the producer of the men, Article 18 assigns her a significant role in taking care of the home and raising the children on the knees of the moral values ​​and concepts drawn from Islam,”

He also emphasized that:

“the convention completely ignores the civil and political rights of women.”

Al-Ashhab concluded:

“Belief in religion is one thing, while political Islam is another. In the concrete conditions in which the Palestinians live, religion should merge with Palestinian nationalism, one of whose aspirations is to be freed from the occupation. Whereas political Islam is a project to seize power by a social group that uses religion as a disguise.”

Referring to the right-wing elements in Israel, Al-Ashhab warned:

“These elements are betting on the continuation of a vicious circle of violence, provocations, actions and acts of revenge. Israeli measures such as the occupation of refugee camps and targeted assassinations will provide grounds for Palestinian extremist elements for their own acts of revenge.”

However, Al-Ashhab noted in his book, that he senses the changes taking place in Israel; for example, a majority within it supports the establishment of a Palestinian state, and this includes some Likud voters.

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The Myth of the Working Class Benefiting from the War Economy https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/the-myth-of-the-working-class-benefiting-from-the-war-economy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-myth-of-the-working-class-benefiting-from-the-war-economy Tue, 04 Feb 2025 02:10:19 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=290 Does the US Military Economy Help Workers? US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, in a speech on April 17, 2024, insists Americans should be grateful for the billions of dollars (60 billion, the latest “giveaway”) in funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel because the money, according to Mr. Austin, goes into the pockets of US […]

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Does the US Military Economy Help Workers?

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, in a speech on April 17, 2024, insists Americans should be grateful for the billions of dollars (60 billion, the latest “giveaway”) in funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel because the money, according to Mr. Austin, goes into the pockets of US manufacturers for increased weapon production which [supposedly] creates new jobs.

But does it?

First, jobs in the weapons industry decreased from 3.2 million in 1980 to 1 million today, during the same time that the sector has received near record governmental funding. Where did the money go if it did not create jobs? One significant outlay was to hire lobbyists. “Weapons makers have spent $2.5 billion on lobbying over the past two decades, employing, on average, over 700 lobbyists per year over the past five years, more than one for every member of Congress!” Only 700 jobs were created from that $2.5 billion.

Another common use of this funding is to buy back company stocks to inflate their stock price and to hand out bonuses to management and shareholders. When the government awards a contract to a manufacturer, that money is funded up front, even before a viable production plan is approved. Even though long start-up times are common in production plans and implementation, this money is immediately available to the manufacturer. The workers receive nothing.

Workers in the weapons industry are subject to wage theft and other fraudulent practices, which is unparalleled in other industries. Government contractors are required by law to follow the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) and the Service Contracts Act (SCA).

The Raytheon Company is an example of the rampant corruption in the weapons industry.

They will pay over $950 million to resolve the Justice Department‘s investigations into: (i) a major government fraud scheme involving defective pricing on certain government contracts. (ii) violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

In late 2020 the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to agree with the Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) to produce a report reviewing:

  • The integrity of the defense industrial base
  • Contractor behavior that violates the laws, including fraud and other negligence or misrepresentation
  • The successful or unsuccessful use of remedies, such as suspension and debarment.

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report for fiscal years 2014 through 2019 stating that the Department of Labor (DOL) completed 5,261 investigations among the Department of Defense contractors. Sixty-eight percent of those investigations found:

  • $224 million in wage theft.
  • $73 billion in other fraudulent activities.

Almost 14 billion dollars were stolen each year.

It was noted in the 2020 GAO report that the Department of Defense continues to award contracts to companies cited for willful or repeated fair labor standards violations. The Report cited only 60 debarments, (1.68% of violating contractors) resulting from SCA violations.

The enforcement of statutory debarment under the Service Contract Act (SCA) is fundamentally broken because so few firms are debarred.

The lack of credibility and integrity from the defense industrial complex can only be rectified by oversight governmental regarding corporations‘ refusal to:

  • conduct the transparent accounting
  • eliminate abuses in their lobbying activities
  • stop exploiting the US Government‘s failure to monitor the revolving door between non-elected government officials and the private defense contractor sector.

Former defense Secretaries of Defense from the Trump and Biden administrations include:

  • James Mattis (board member at General Dynamics)
  • Patrick Shanahan (executive at Boeing)
  • Mark Esper (head of government relations at Raytheon) and
  • Lloyd Austin (board member of Raytheon Technologies)

In summary, “[The] …militarized sectors of the economy enjoy perpetual increases in funding while human needs go unmet. Reducing the military budget helps increase funding for other forms of security such as healthcare, education, clean energy, and infrastructure – while also increasing employment nationwide.”

The Hidden Costs of Shoring up the Weapons Manufacturers‘ International Assets

The costly infrastructure of military bases around the world props up the industrial-military complex of the US war economy. The US military provides bases overseas to protect US corporations‘ assets, including appropriated local resources in addition to backing foreign governments (regime change) beneficial to US policies. It is impossible to determine the actual cost to American workers, as the Department of Defense has failed to pass the last six financial audits. This alone is government maleficence and is a crime against the American people and our soldiers, who, by their presence in foreign lands are forced to participate in regime change and in protecting US corporate assets.

While over 750 military bases in 80 foreign countries are helping weapons manufacturers and subsidiary corporations reap in profits, the US workers bear the full cost of these installations through taxes and loss of jobs. Since 2021, due to off shoring jobs, consolidation, and automation, 1.9 million fewer workers (a 64% drop) work in the US Defense Industrial Complex.

The US has stricter laws regarding environmental contamination than most of the countries where US bases are located, and have taken advantage of this situation until recently, and are now dealing with foreign government complaints about environmental damages. However, even our American bases have begun issuing complaints to the American Air Force Engineering Center who oversee environmental issues and their resolutions, such as severe water contamination.

Maintaining bases is only the tip of the iceberg. The major impact is the US Government’s foreign policy of “Forever Wars.” Until that policy is defeated, the forward momentum of more wars will continue.

The Department of Defense (DOD) issues publications from the various outlining armed future forces plans and schedules for future military engagements; the most horrific plan being the invasion of Taiwan in 2027, (on the assumption that China will begin aggressive moves Taiwan).

“This Navigation Plan drives toward two strategic ends: readiness for the possibility of war with the People‘s Republic of China by 2027 and enhancing the Navy‘s long-term advantage. We will work towards these ends through two mutually reinforcing ways: implementing Project 33 and expanding the Navy‘s contribution to the Joint war-fighting ecosystem.”

“Project 33 is how we will get more ready players on the field by 2027. Project 33 sets targets for pushing hard to make strategically meaningful gains in the fastest possible time with the resources we influence. Project 33 targets are:

  • Deliver a quality of service commensurate with the sacrifices of our Sailors
  • Train for combat as we plan to fight, in the real world and virtually (i.e., hackers, ‗NETOPS‘, ‗INFOSEC‘, ‗OPSEC‘, etc.)

The biggest threat to world peace is the NATO alliance, which the US controls and in which the US Congress and Presidency are complicit.

Congress abdicated:

  • Their powers to declare war;
  • Their powers to determine the monetary means for conducting and supporting wars;

Congress increased the powers of the Executive Branch by:

  • Creating the Executive Emergency Power Acts; (which includes assets seizures, OPAC);
  • Creating the ―extra-legal‖ exercise of Presidential Authority

US government foreign policy responsibilities are now in the hands of the National Security Complex of weapons manufacturers, energy monopolies, arms cartels, CIA, NSA, financiers, universities, and other US inter-agency committees, as well as US elected officials who all utilize NATO to conduct US foreign policy. This involves the exploitation of other countries‘ workers and resources, as well as creating a burden on all American citizens through inflation, the lack of jobs and housing, and deprivation of basic needs such as health care and food.

The Invasive Presence of Weapons Manufacturers in One State

Every state is beholden to Department of Defense (DOD) funding. Economies can rise or fall based on the extent to which a state has allowed their financial well-being to hinge on the vagaries of the DOD.

Arkansas, for example, is in 43rd place regarding DOD funding. The state hosts an arsenal of the United States Army:

“Pine Bluff Arsenal is one of nine Army installations in the United States that stores chemical weapons. The arsenal supplies specialized production, storage, maintenance and distribution of readiness products, and delivers technical services to the Armed Forces and Homeland Security. It also designs, manufactures and refurbishes smoke, riot control, and incendiary munitions, as well as chemical/biological defense operations items. It serves as a technology center for illuminating and infrared munitions and is also the only place in the Northern Hemisphere where white phosphorous munitions orders are filled.”

In Camden, Arkansas, a phosphorous weapons manufacturing and storage facility exploded in 2024, killing one person on the night shift and destroying a quarter of the facility.

Arkansas boasts that it is considered the third most gun-friendly state in the country. The top munitions manufacturers make their home here. Fiocchi, a global leader in defensive, target, and hunting ammunition, has a new ammunition primer manufacturing facility, expanding its operations presence in Little Rock. “Aside from our strong ties with the state and local governments, Arkansas has a highly experienced and energetic labor force to call upon.”

Companies that also call Arkansas home include Sig Sauer, Remington, Daisy, Walther, Nighthawk Custom, Thermold Magazines, Umarex, and Wilson Combat. “As a pro-second amendment state, Arkansas welcomes Firearms & Ammunition companies looking to start-up, expand, or relocate to the state.”

The U.S. Army is on a path to triple its monthly production of 155mm shells following the passage of supplemental the by Ukraine Congress, (2024) and Arkansas munitions manufacturing companies have received large governmental contracts. “With the supplemental that just thankfully passed last night, we‘ll be at 100,000 rounds by next summer (2025),” Gen. James Mingus said at an event hosted by think-tank CSIS. That‘s more than three times the 30,000 shells that the service‘s factories are expected to turn out this month, Mingus said, and will represent a six-fold increase since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

What is not stated is this program has taken over two years to develop; the manufacturers received funds to build their production capacity, unlike Russia which had ‗standby‘ factories ready to produce additional munitions.

Arkansas has three large bases, two air force bases and an army base. The Little Rock Air Force Base and The Ebbing Air National Guard Base is home to F16 and F35 Pilot Training Programs. New F-35A Lightning II fighter jets fresh off the manufacturing line will soon be based in Arkansas—but they are not for the U.S. Air Force; they are being sold to key NATO ally, Poland. In 2025, 900 Polish pilots will be the first international group to receive pilot training on the new F-35s in Arkansas.

“The reason most of our allies in Europe are getting on board here is the deterrence factor. If there’s 500 or 600 of these in Europe, that’s a huge deterrent to some of our arch enemies that live in that area … and in the Pacific to tell you the truth.”

In August 2021, shortly after the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan following the United States military’s withdrawal, photographs and videos started circulating online that showed Taliban forces holding Americanmade weapons. An exact accounting of the military equipment currently in the Taliban‘s hands is not available, though one expert estimated that the total value was closer to $10 billion. In this war, “superior weapons capability” did not have any effect at all, in fact, the Taliban gained 10 billion dollars‘ worth of weaponry.

Given the US history of overselling the efficiency of its military equipment, the previous sentiments may be a bit grandiose for reality. In Afghanistan, the US perceived ―military superiority‖ was proven inadequate to win the war. CNN reported that the Air Force halted deliveries of Boeing aircraft on February 20 after trash and industrial tools — known as foreign object debris, or FOD — were found on board some planes after production was completed.

The future of Arkansas‘ economy, along with the other states, will be dependent upon constant wars. It can be extrapolated that 42 states, receiving more funding from the DOD and subsidiary governmental agencies will also be forced into supporting wars because their jobs will depend on them. This may be why protests for peace are ineffective due to the windfall profits for weapons manufacturers and for our elected capitalist officials and the fear of workers losing jobs.

Until all workers understand the dangerous and economically unsound direction being forced upon them by our war economy, which ultimately is unsustainable due to the push-back from other countries. Due to our capitalist government‘s insistence on forever wars, our country will continue to struggle for our basic needs, whether it be housing, health care, food, education, etc.

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On Multipolarity https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/on-multipolarity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=on-multipolarity Mon, 27 Jan 2025 22:44:52 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=288 by Timothy Dirte Humankind is entering a new epoch – the epoch of the emergence of viable alternative forces against US economic and military hegemony. It is the beginning of the epoch of multipolarity. This new development in world history is objectively progressive for the international working class as another weapon against US economic and […]

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by Timothy Dirte

Humankind is entering a new epoch – the epoch of the emergence of viable alternative forces against US economic and military hegemony. It is the beginning of the epoch of multipolarity. This new development in world history is objectively progressive for the international working class as another weapon against US economic and military hegemony over the world. Therefore, multipolarity must be backed by Communists.

The epoch of multipolarity was kicked off with the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in the Ukraine, a response to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization‘s (NATO‘s) historical campaign to encircle and Balkanize Russia. This campaign has proceeded for the last 30 years, despite former US Secretary of State James Baker‘s promise upon meeting Gorbachev in 1990, where Baker stated that NATO would not expand ―one inch eastward‖ from the boundaries it held at the time. The SMO was the first substantial fightback against Western imperialist hegemony in the post-Soviet era, and it opened the door to a new era of struggle against NATO and its proxy forces around the world.

The Russian Special Military Operation did not come out of the blue nor was it an act of Russian aggression. It was in response to the installation of a pro-fascist government in the Ukraine with aspirations to arm itself with nuclear weapons against Russia. This pro-fascist government was installed under the direction of the US State Department during the Euromaidan coup of 2014, which overthrew the legally elected pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych. Only seventy-three years earlier, the Soviet people, both Russian and Ukrainian, had fought together against the fascist menace during World War II.

The Special Military Operation occurred within the context of other geopolitical shifts, both gradual and sudden. People‘s China had already taken the lead through the Belt and Road initiative in developing countries which had been exploited and underdeveloped by Western imperialism. This reduced these initiative countries‘ dependence on trade agreements with the United States and its allies, thus bringing them out from under the thumb of NATO and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The Belt and Road initiative was accompanied by the formation of substantial geopolitical alliances. Foremost among these alliances in the present era is BRICS, which is an acronym standing for the names of the countries which originally entered the alliance: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The BRICS alliance was first formed in 2009, and, despite any claims to the contrary, it has objectively worked to undermine US/NATO hegemony. The BRICS alliance fosters trade and economic cooperation among the antiimperialist countries of the world.

One of the objective outcomes of this cooperation is the gradual de-dollarization of the world economy. De-dollarization refers to the shift away from the US dollar as international the de currency facto of exchange. The historical use of the US dollar throughout the world has given the United States economic leverage over developing countries through fostering a dependence on the American financial system. Dedollarization is being achieved through a number of measures undertaken by BRICS, one of which is the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA), which was established by treaty during the Sixth BRICS Summit in Fortaleza and Brasilia in July of 2014. The CRA protects against US economic coercion which has in the past been enacted through measures such as sanctions and trade embargoes.

De-dollarization weakening of means the Western imperialism. Wherever the US dollar goes, there the American flag is planted. Historically, the Marshall Plan, which was purported to be the path to the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, was in fact a means by which the United States first expanded its economic domination to a worldwide extent. In reality, the Marshall Plan created more markets for the US to sell its goods. De-dollarization is part of the process that is ending the unipolar world which was inaugurated by the Marshall Plan.

In addition to taking the lead in the anti-imperialist economic system, People‘s China has also emerged as a leader in the geopolitical landscape through their brokering of international diplomacy without the involvement of the Western imperialist countries. This is exemplified through China‘s role in creating the agreement and rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2023, as well as the Declaration.

The Beijing Declaration was an agreement arranged by China involving 14 leading representative groups of the Palestinian people. It united these groups under the representation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to work together towards a solution of the Israel-Palestine crisis. This solution consists of the creation of an independent Palestinian state with United Nations representation.

There are certain sects who masquerade as Marxist-Leninists that oppose the development of multipolarity because it is not directly building socialism. They allege that those who see the strategic utility of multipolarity in fighting US imperialism are claiming that it will directly bring socialism. Their arguments create a ―straw-man which they then proceed to knock down. This position is disingenuous, since no principled Communists have ever stated that multipolarity will bring socialism.

Communists understand that the class struggle However, is primary. anti-imperialist struggles, such as those which have been brought into focus by the emergence of multipolarity, serve to set the stage for the victory of the working class. Multipolarity is a path for nations to re-assert their sovereignty against the puppet regimes which have been set up under the control of Western imperialist forces throughout the preceding decades.

The proponents of multipolarity are correct in concluding that a weakening of US economic leverage in world affairs will inevitably reduce proclivity towards the US‘ military interventionism. As Marxist-Leninist theory explains, bourgeois correctly foreign policy is fundamentally linked with the drive of capitalism for markets. With a reduced capacity to expand in foreign markets, imperialist countries can be expected to similarly lessen their military intervention. Thus, as a result of this reduced economic coercion and interventionism, military international uprisings are more likely to succeed and the road to socialism will become more accessible.

On the other hand, there seems to be a certain ideological tendency among those in the anti-imperialist movement who idolize non-Communist theocratic or bourgeois states that are in the forefront in fighting US imperialism. Our support of these countries in their fight against US economic and military hegemony does not preclude the Communist criticism of certain reactionary domestic policies they hold. It is worth noting that some of these theocratic and bourgeois states have a long history in physically attacking Communists and banning Communist parties in their respective countries. Furthermore, we recognize that, first and foremost, the loyalty of bourgeois states is to their own economic ruling class, not to their working class.

In conclusion, while multipolarity does not represent the direct path to the victory of the working class and the establishment of socialism, it is the first step in destroying the Western imperialist hegemony which has previously been unchallenged since the counterrevolution in the Soviet Union. Thus, the correct dialectical view for Communists throughout the world is to support the development of multipolarity as another tool in the struggle of the international proletariat against monopoly capital.

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The International Longshoremen’s Association Strike, the Bankruptcy of the Ultra-Left, and the Need for a Policy of Industrial Concentration https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/the-international-longshoremens-association-strike-the-bankruptcy-of-the-ultra-left-and-the-need-for-a-policy-of-industrial-concentration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-international-longshoremens-association-strike-the-bankruptcy-of-the-ultra-left-and-the-need-for-a-policy-of-industrial-concentration https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/the-international-longshoremens-association-strike-the-bankruptcy-of-the-ultra-left-and-the-need-for-a-policy-of-industrial-concentration/#comments Mon, 09 Dec 2024 01:43:54 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=274 A strike wave has hit the United States in recent years with mixed results. After decades in retreat, the labor movement in the United States has had rumblings of becoming a militant force once again, something we haven’t seen since the early days of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). This trend has continued into […]

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A strike wave has hit the United States in recent years with mixed results. After decades in retreat, the labor movement in the United States has had rumblings of becoming a militant force once again, something we haven’t seen since the early days of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). This trend has continued into 2024 with the recent strike of dock workers along the East and Gulf Coast Ports by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA).

Longshoremen walked off the job at 12:01 am October 1st for a strike that lasted three days. The demands included a 77% pay raise over six years, maintaining ILA jurisdiction, protecting Container Royalties[1], and no automation of ILA jobs.

Bourgeois Attacks on the Strike

In typical bourgeois fashion, the country was sent into a panic by the three-day strike as the media warned of empty shelves, and a shattered economy in the weeks leading up to the strike. After the devastating Hurricane Helene made landfall in late September, the capitalist-controlled media rushed to further fear-monger about how the strike would “block the recovery” for the hurricane’s victims.

Attacks on the strike escalated against the workers after the New York Post had a field day with the contradictions regarding the bourgeois lifestyle led by ILA President, Harold Daggett.[2] The bloated salaries and lavish lifestyles of many business unionist bureaucrats, including Daggett, do not reflect the living standards of the rank-and-file members and are used to diminish the workers’ struggle. There will be more on this, what Lenin dubbed the “labor aristocracy,” later.

Fitting in their “exposé”, the NY Post article had no mention of the exorbitant salaries paid out to the CEOs of the port carriers, represented by the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). USMX is a modern-day cartel aimed at monopolizing control of the East and Gulf Coast ports in the United States. USMX plays a similar role in the collective bargaining process that the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC) did in the railroad dispute in 2022.

We also saw the typical attacks from Conservative and Republican Party politicians, and even sections of the Democratic Party as the so-called “party of labor” had its share of attacks on striking dock workers.

Citing an article on the ILA’s website where Daggett showed empathy for Trump after his alleged assassination attempt, many Democratic Party operatives, including former Obama staffer Jon Cooper, attacked the strike as a stunt to damage the economy to get Donald Trump elected. This rhetoric lasted throughout the entire strike, refusing to take into account the union’s attempts at negotiating a new Master Contract well in advance of the prior contract’s expiration. In a statement the ILA released on the first day of the strike, the union noted how negotiations went with the USMX:

“Let’s be clear: the ILA has been fully prepared to negotiate a fair contract since two years before its expiration. USMX’s claim that they are ready to bargain rings hollow when they waited until the eve of a potential strike to present this offer. The last offer from USMX was back in February 2023, and the ILA has been listening to our members’ concerns ever since.”

We cannot also forget the role played by Daggett and the ILA leadership in securing the AFL-CIO endorsement for President Biden in the 2020 election. This endorsement was in doubt after the resolution passed by the AFL-CIO convention in 2017 ending labor’s support for the “lesser of two evils.”[3]

The Ultra-Left, Objective Agents of the Bourgeoisie, Attack Striking Workers

To be clear, we cannot be surprised by bourgeois attacks on strike actions, even from political operatives of parties that claim to support the labor movement. Those attacks are expected. It’s the attacks by groupings who claim to be “fighters for the working class”, many of whom even call themselves Socialists and Communists who openly attacked the strike, boldly pronounced their position against it, all while claiming to push a “leftist” agenda.

Such a position can be described as nothing short of “left in form, right in essence,” a phrase many of us within the Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) use to describe the various elements of the ultra-left. To understand the nature of these attacks it is important to understand the petty-bourgeois nature of ultra-leftism, no matter what form it may take—i.e., Anarchism, Trotskyism, Maoism, Hoxhaism, generic “Leftism”, Sakaiism, etc.

It must be noted that the basic concept of class struggle has been rejected by the modern ultra-left. We can routinely see these forces attack actual Communists with the phrase “class reductionist” while hiding behind a hammer and sickle. In his work, “Crisis of Petty-Bourgeois Radicalism”, former CPUSA General Secretary Gus Hall noted:

“The very essence of capitalism is class exploitation. It is exploitation of people, again in mass. The essence of any struggle is the class struggle. The central moving force is the exploited class–the working class.”[4]

He went on to say:

“Petty-bourgeois radicalism as a concept rejects the basic class nature of society and the class struggle as a pivotal element in the fight for progress. It rejects the role of mass movements because it does not see its basic ingredient–the working class. A class approach to struggle is of necessity a mass approach. The petty-bourgeois radical rhetoric is a sanctuary for those who have given up the possibilities of leading masses, and in the first place the working-class masses, in struggle. It is a way of keeping a radical image when in fact one has retreated and given up the struggle.”[5]

The ultra-left attacks were aimed at the agreement made by ILA leadership to continue moving military cargo during the strike, a practice dating back to strikes as far back as the First World War. The current genocide being waged against the Palestinians by the Netanyahu regime was used as a reason to not back striking workers. The ultra-left even used a statement by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10, backing the blocking of arms shipments to justify their position.[6] What they left out is that the ILWU, including Local 10, supported the striking ILA workers. This support was carried out in multiple ways. First and foremost, the ILWU respected the ILA picket lines by not unloading cargo diverted to the West Coast ports; the ILWU also sent a contingent of members to join the ILA picket lines.

It must be noted that for the ILA strike to have been most effective, not just for the longshoremen themselves, but for the anti-imperialist struggle, it would have been necessary to block the shipments of military cargo. So this brings us to another criticism the ultra-left had, which was that the strike was merely an economic one. It is easy to criticize the strike for its failure to block the shipment of weapons from the outside, but what is being done to organize and educate these workers politically? The lack of seriousness in these attacks is demonstrated by the ultra-left’s use of J. Sakai’s abomination of a text, Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat.  (See Image )

It is also worth noting that within the framework of the ultra-left position is the rejection of working within the trade union movement. These forces reject the working class in the US as having any revolutionary potential (along the lines of the thesis of Sakai’s Settlers) despite the rise in militancy, and in spite of the fact there is no vanguard to lead the way. What this amounts to is a rejection of Lenin’s thesis that revolutionaries must work within reactionary trade unions to push them left, and to make them a leading force in a future dictatorship of the proletariat. As Leninists we must also remember the wise words of Comrade Lenin in his brilliant polemic against the ultra-left of his time:

“The Party must more than ever and in a new way, not only in the old way, educate and guide the trade unions, at the same time bearing in mind that they are and will long remain an indispensable ‘school of Communism’ and a preparatory school that trains the proletarians to exercise their dictatorship.”[7]

Comrade Gus Hall further explained plainly why we should not take these attacks seriously:

“Concepts of struggle not based on the above reality will sooner or later come into conflict with it. The advocates of petty-bourgeois radicalism try to bypass this reality. They believe they can avoid the necessary and unavoidable consistent and sustained work, the work of organizing, educating, mobilizing and leading people in mass, of leading people on the level of their understanding, of their own self-interest, and in this sense reflecting the objective processes leading to a revolutionary struggle against capitalism. For this they seek to substitute radical rhetoric with general slogans, or advanced actions that have no relationship to struggles to which the masses do respond. Thus, when the concepts based on unreality meet the reality of class struggle they bounce back. If such tactics are further pursued they become an obstacle to struggle. They become a destructive and divisive force. Organized groups which pursue such policies not only tend to move away from the working class, but they reject mass concepts of struggle altogether.”[8]

Are the Ultra-Left Correct?

It is worth noting that having the correct ideas is not enough; if they are not applied properly and you are unable to win over the masses, it means nothing. Gus Hall once again said it perfectly:

“The concepts, the ideas, motivating petty-bourgeois radicalism are not necessarily wrong in the abstract. Those who follow wrong concepts, in most cases, are dedicated and sincere individuals. The concepts are wrong when they do not reflect the specific reality of the moment. Therefore, the more determined such individuals are, the more damaging they can be. … [The workers] do not respond to ideas–even good ideas–if they do not see their self-interests involved in these ideas.”[9]

With this in mind, the ultra-left position in the abstract is a correct one. It is up to the working class to take the fight to imperialism, and blocking military cargo in a time when US imperialists are arming the genocide of the Palestinian people would be at the forefront of this fight. What is missing is the state of the labor movement at present time; we are living in a time where we are working to rebuild our vanguard role in the working-class movement since the post-Gus Hall leadership of the old Party abandoned class struggle for tailism.

Without a Communist presence in the rank and file to build a class-oriented movement we cannot expect the masses, who lack class consciousness, to lead this struggle by themselves. For a strike to lead to a political strug­gle, we must embed ourselves in the rank and file to lead an edu­cation campaign to build the class consciousness of the work­ers.

In laying out the Comintern plan to “bolshevize” the Communist Parties in the capitalist countries, O. Piatnitsky laid out how the Bolsheviks worked within the trade unions:

“… at the very beginning of the development of the labor movement the Bolsheviks established a connection between the economic struggle and the political. When the sentiments of the workers in the factories became favorable towards a strike, the Bolshevik cells immediately placed themselves in the leadership. The strikes in single shops spread to all departments, a strike in a single factory spread to all the other factories, and the strikes of the factory workers, under the influence and leadership of the Bolshevik Party organizations (our emphasis—Ed.), frequently assumed the forms of street demonstrations, and in this way the economic strikes developed into a political struggle.”[10]

In the immediate lead-up to the strike, Democratic President Joe Biden announced he would not enact the Taft-Hartley act which would have imposed a 90-day “cooling-off period” that would have forced the dock workers back to work until January. There is no doubt that if military cargo was blocked, Biden would have forced this Taft-Hartley cooling-off period on the longshoremen. At the dock worker picket line on the first day of the strike, several rank-and-file members did not express a prior understanding of how the strike can impact the political situation. After some discussion, workers seemed to confirm the idea that shutting down military cargo would have led to Biden enforcing Taft-Hartley on the striking longshoremen. This would have meant the total destruction of the strike itself.

On the ultra-left’s aversion to working within reactionary trade unions, we must note that it is unequivocally wrong for anyone who claims to be a Communist to hold this anti-Leninist position. In talking about the German “Left” in his day, Lenin made it clear:

“In their opinion, decla­mations, and angry ejacu­lations … against ‘reac­tionary’ and ‘counter-rev­olutionary’ trade unions are sufficient ‘proof’ that it is unnecessary and even impermissible for revolu­tionaries and communists to work in yellow, social-chauvinist, compromising, counter-revolutionary trade unions. …

“But however strongly the German ‘Lefts’ may be convinced of the revolutionism of such tactics, these tactics are in fact fundamentally wrong, and amount to no more than empty phrase-mongering.”[11]

Improving Our Work on Industrial Concentration is Essential to Becoming a Vanguard Party

The ILA strike, in addition to other strikes of recent years, has demonstrated that the labor movement in the United States is ripe for the development of a higher class-consciousness. The ultra-left with their comments against the strike have shown that they will not be able to lead this movement. The vanguard Party which emerges to lead the American labor movement must instead be rooted in the working class through the policy of industrial concentration.

Since our Second Congress, the PCUSA has embarked on a plan of Industrial Concentration. This plan is important for multiple reasons, most notably to increase Communist cadre within the key industries. In order to be the vanguard of the working class, Communists must root themselves in the working class.

It is, however, not enough to push a policy of Industrial Concentration merely for Party building. It is imperative that we build these cadres within the key industries in the United States. Special focus must be made on the industries that have seen an increase of labor militancy within the recent strike wave. These industries include the railroad, automotive, shipping/logistics and specifically the longshore industry as these constitute the most essential foundations of the US imperialist order.

It seems we are still in a stage where Communists do not grasp the importance of an Industrial Concentration policy. We need to increase this understanding, which is why we held the recent Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies class on Industrial Concentration. Also, the PCUSA Labor Commission is working with the Jones-Foster School for Party Education to develop a class to be included in its cadre ascension curriculum.

To help build this understanding, we must look to the former CPUSA Organizational Secretary Henry Winston, who said it best in 1948:

“What is the essence of a concentration policy?

“First of all, it requires a fundamental understanding of the role of the workers in the basic industries, in relation to the working class and the life of the country as a whole. It is precisely these workers employed in the huge plants by the tens of thousands who, as Lenin pointed out, become educated to understand the need for unity, collective action and solidarity by the very process of large-scale production itself. One cannot conceive of successfully building the Progressive Party [or the labor-led anti-monopoly coalition of today—Ed.], of organizing an effective fight against the Draft [conscription], or in defense of civil liberties, a successful fight against war and fascism, unless this section of the working class is fully mobilized. And, of course, one cannot speak of winning the American workers for Socialism without winning the majority of this section of the working class. It is necessary to permeate the entire Party with this consciousness.

“Secondly, such a policy requires the selection of the points of concentration where a base must be secured, if we are to set in motion the entire labor movement. This means knowing which districts must be given major national attention, which industries are key and what plants are decisive. … While we must strengthen the Party in all basic industries, we must particularly select for major concentration such industries as steel, auto, mining, maritime, electrical and railroad. Within these industries we must pursue a policy of concentration in key industrial towns and key plants and departments—with special consideration to the most underpaid sections of the workers, the unskilled and semi-skilled. …

“Thirdly, the full mobilization of the Party is required to achieve the objectives of our concentration policy. Concretely, this means that all Party clubs must have a share in the responsibility for work at the concentration points. Communists in the mass organizations, trade unions, etc., should try to convince these organizations similarly to pursue a concentration policy.

“Fourthly, beginning with the national and state leaderships, the entire Party must be involved in planning, guiding, and assuming systematic control and check-up of concentration objectives. All political and organizational problems must be discussed and reviewed from the standpoint of how to realize them in concentration industries. Systematic discussion of the problems in concentration industries must be organized in the top political bodies of the Party. Our leadership must be unsparing in the allocation of capable forces, finances, literature, and other material assistance.”[12]

This excerpt comes from Winston’s speech to the 14th CPUSA Convention. It must be understood that this took place during the early stages of the second “Red Scare” in the United States. Specifically, it came a little more than one year after the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 was passed forcing labor leaders to sign affidavits stating they were not members of the Communist Party. To go along with this campaign the business unionists within the CIO worked with the Truman’s Democratic Party administration to purge all militants from their unions under the guise of anti-Communism.

When the CIO was not successful in their purging of Communists in member-unions they purged the unions themselves as they did with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU); International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers (Mine Mill); Food and Tobacco Workers (FTA); International Fur and Leather Workers Union (IFLWU) and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Union (UE). The CIO even went so far as to work with the State Department and Westinghouse Corporation to create the International United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Union (IUE) as a dual union to raid the membership of the UE.[13]

The Party’s policy of Industrial Concentration has been aimed at rebuilding the influence the Communists once had in the American trade union movement. To this point neither the PCUSA nor the CPUSA has yet been able to reclaim this great legacy. It has not been all failure though, as the CPUSA, under the leadership of Gus Hall, was involved in the expansion of the rank-and-file movement in the 1970s. This involvement started with the Rank and File Conference in Chicago on June 27-28, 1970 which set up the National Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Action and Democracy (TUAD).[14] Today, the trade union movement is just now beginning to emerge from the lowest point since its inception. Communists now have the opportunity to take the militant rumblings and develop them into a class-oriented force capable of taking on the stranglehold of modern monopoly capital. A well-implemented policy of Industrial Concentration is the only means with which this historic task can be accomplished.

[1] Container Royalties—special payments made to longshoremen to compensate for a decrease in employment opportunities caused by the use of containerized shipping. These payments are calculated based off of tonnage.

[2] https://nypost.com/2024/10/02/business/harold-daggetts-sprawling-nj-mansion-has-bentley-5-car-garage-and-guest-house/

[3] https://aflcio.org/resolutions/resolution-2-independent-political-voice.

[4] Hall, Gus, “Crisis of Petty-Bourgeois Radicalism”, The Communist, Vol. 2; PCUSA Ideological Department: Seattle, 2022, p. 44.

[5] Ibid., p. 48.

[6] https://www.internationalist.org/ilwu-local-10-calls-for-labor-boycott-arms-to-israel-2405.html.

[7] Lenin, V.I., “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder; New Outlook Publishers: Seattle, 2022, p. 46.

[8] Hall, Op. Cit., 2022, p. 44.

[9] Hall, Op. Cit., 2022, pp. 43-44.

[10] Piatnitsky, O., The Bolshevization of the Communist Parties in the Capitalist Countries: By Eradicating Social-Democratic Traditions; New Outlook Publishers: Seattle, 2024, pp. 13-14.

[11] Lenin, Op. Cit., 2022, p. 41.

[12] Winston, Henry, “For a Fighting Party Rooted Among the Industrial Workers”, Selected Works of Henry Winston, Vol. 1; New Outlook Publishers: Seattle, 2024, pp. 92-94.

[13] Sears, John Bennett, The Electrical Unions and the Cold War; International Publishers: New York, 2019, pp. 67-72.

[14] Morris, George, Rebellion in the Unions: A Handbook for Rank-and-File Action; New Outlook Publishers: New York, New York, 1971, p. 145.

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The 2024 Presidential Election: Where Do We Go From Here? https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/the-2024-presidential-election-where-do-we-go-from-here/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-2024-presidential-election-where-do-we-go-from-here https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/the-2024-presidential-election-where-do-we-go-from-here/#comments Mon, 02 Dec 2024 01:29:22 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=271 Years ago, in the lead up to World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke on the rise of fascism in Europe, offering a wise warning to Americans: “Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations, not because the people of those nations disliked democracy, but because they had grown tired of unemployment and insecurity, […]

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Years ago, in the lead up to World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke on the rise of fascism in Europe, offering a wise warning to Americans:

“Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations, not because the people of those nations disliked democracy, but because they had grown tired of unemployment and insecurity, of seeing their children hungry while they sat helpless in the face of government confusion and government weakness through lack of leadership. … Finally, in desperation, they chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of getting something to eat.”

For the past few decades, American electoral politics has been shifting evermore rightward while pitting working-class Americans against one another. Today, we see that, just as FDR predicted, the American people have chosen the side of reaction as a result of the worsening economic realities they face.

As Communists, we have a duty to explain the general crisis in the capitalist society and how that creates the conditions for a sharpening of reactionary politics. Furthermore, we will present the labor-led anti-monopoly coalition will be the path for Communists and all progressive Americans to work towards an administration which will be beneficial to the American working class.

Trump: Representative of Monopoly Capital

On November 5, 2024, real estate billionaire Donald Trump was elected as the 47th President of the United States of America. Trump was elected based on a belief that he would bring about a more prosperous economy for working people who have suffered under the post-COVID inflation of the Biden administration. However, as shown by his previous term, Trump, as a  member of the reactionary monopoly capitalist class will not come close to satisfying any of the criteria which Communists put forward for support of a candidate, namely, support for labor, anti-racism, and anti-imperialism.

In terms of organized labor, while the leadership of almost all AFL-CIO unions endorsed the Democratic Party in the 2024 election, the reality among the rank-and-file was significantly different. Many American workers think that Trump’s anti-immigrant policies will make the job market be more in their favor, making it easier for them to find and keep work.

In reality, Trump has been, and will be, as antagonistic to organized labor as any monopoly capitalist would be expected to be. Donald Trump has refused to guarantee that he will veto right to work legislation, as the Teamsters have called for. His appointees in the Supreme Court are likely to rule the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) unconstitutional in the pending Amazon v. NLRB case, which would be a massive step backwards for labor’s right to organize in America. Recently, Elon Musk, who has sued to throw out the NLRB, has been named to the leadership of Trump’s proposed “Department of Government Efficiency.” This organization will likely push deregulation, including labor standards like OSHA and NLRB regulations that protect labor unions.

On the issue of oppressed peoples, Trump has already made openly xenophobic comments during the 2024 presidential race itself. In his speeches, Trump has attempted to stir reactionary anti-immigrant sentiments by falsely stating that Haitian immigrants were “eating pets.”

Furthermore, on the issue of LGBT+ rights, Trump has promised that his administration will rescind federal policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and will assert that federal civil rights laws do not cover anti-LGBT+ discrimination. Already, Trump has stated he will introduce a day-one bill recognizing only male and female genders. He has stated, “We will promote positive education about the nuclear family, the roles of mothers and fathers, and celebrating rather than erasing the things that make men and women different and unique.”

There are some on the Left who claim that Trump will be better than Harris would have been when it comes to the issues of war and imperialism. However, the reality is that Trump shows many of the same issues in this area.

On the issue of Israel-Palestine, Trump is a good friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently waging a genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza. Trump has called for the recognition of the whole of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and he has derailed the road to a US-recognized Palestinian state by unilaterally moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This is contrary to the UN position of including East Jerusalem in Palestine. Furthermore, Trump has stated that he will install Mike Huckabee, a prominent Christian Zionist who is fully opposed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state, as the ambassador to Israel.

Furthermore, Trump has already signaled that he will be just as hawkish on People’s China as the Democratic Party would be, which is particularly important in the context of the potential upcoming conflict involving the Chinese province of Taiwan. As a representative of monopoly capital, his interest is in removing America’s dependency on the Chinese semiconductor industry.

There are some ultra-left forces in the US, especially the so-called “MAGA Communists”, which have, through their actions, objectively endorsed Trump as “the lesser of two evils” for President in 2024. However, the reality is that a Trump Administration would be just as, if not more, detrimental to the cause of labor, anti-imperialism, and anti-racism as the Democratic Party will be.

Despite all of Trump’s drawbacks, he was still elected over the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. The American people indicated through their vote that they were unhappy with the Biden administration, and that they were looking for a change. Because no viable progressive Democratic Party alternative was presented, the people instead moved to the right, towards Trump.

What is to Be Done?

The International Communist Movement throughout its history has been successful when it was able to identify the primary contradictions in society. From these contradictions the communists then clearly forge a path that exploits the divisions within the camps of the working class’ enemies.

From 2016 onward, we have seen such a division within the big bourgeoisie. The conservative bourgeoisie has a desire to shift American politics to the extreme right whereas the liberal bourgeoisie is struggling to hold onto old methods to preserve the status quo. We can see that while liberal Democrat voters may have a desire to preserve democracy, it is clear the Democratic Party leadership will not be willing to do what needs to be done to preserve the Union. Communists must understand this while helping to lead the Anti-Monopoly coalition. Through a well-organized leadership of the American working class, the pro-democratic sentiment that liberal Democrats hold can be preserved.

As the rank-and-file of the trade union movement begins to understandably turn away from the Democratic Party, Communists must work to halt and reverse the growth of reactionary politics (i.e., extreme conservativism) within the American working class and steer them in a progressive direction. In order to do this, we will need to return to the days of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) when all American unions had a class-oriented political education.

This also means the creation of independent political action in the form of the anti-monopoly coalition led by organized labor. The heart of this movement will be a rank-and-file-led class-oriented trade union movement uniting all progressive elements of society.

Communists have historically been instrumental in the development of independent, progressive political action in the United States. This has been exemplified with Communist participation in the Progressive Party and Henry Wallace’s campaign for President in 1948. The Communist Party activity within the Progressive Party demonstrated the commitment to coalition building with all progressive forces. This was also called the Center-Left Coalition, especially under the leadership of Comrade Gus Hall.

The Communist Party also worked with and supported Congressman Vito Marcantonio, a member of the American Labor Party from the State of New York. Marcantonio was the only elected representative in Congress who stood up and voted against US interventionism in the Korean War. The Communist Party also backed Marcantonio because of his pro-Puerto Rican immigration policies which reflected his progressive ideology.

As the Third Congress of the Party of Communists USA affirmed:

“We call for the formation of an Anti-Monopoly Coalition as the specific form that the Popular Front will take in the USA. This will be composed of all democratic and anti-imperialist forces, including the progressive elements of the labor movement, the anti-war/peace movements, local progressive forces, and emerging third-party electoral formations which oppose US imperialism and monopoly capital.”

In today’s world, new opportunities are emerging to work with organized labor outside of the two-party duopoly. The United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Worker’s Union of America (UE) has recently condemned the anti-labor activities of the picks of the Democratic and Republican Parties, and called for the creation of a labor party in the United States.

Furthermore, the Teamsters, the Firefighter’s Union, and Local 3000 of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) have all chosen to not endorse either major presidential candidate. This behavior marks a shift away from the support for the Democratic Party as a party of labor, and a realization that it has become a party of big business. Now, some in organized labor are going to begin to realize that they need a party of their own. What can be clearer than to see Trump flying the unelected billionaire Elon Musk, who represents only himself and his own profits, out around the world to meet with foreign leaders on the behalf of Americans? We have seen that the people are no longer interested in following the two-party duopoly. The American people are now beginning to see that there is in reality only one major American political party, and that is the money party of monopoly capital. From November 6, the day after the election, onward, the job of American Communists is to work tirelessly and start building the anti-monopoly coalition based in organized labor.

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“MAGA Communism”: A Whiff of Fascism https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/maga-communism-a-whiff-of-fascism/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=maga-communism-a-whiff-of-fascism https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/maga-communism-a-whiff-of-fascism/#comments Sun, 24 Nov 2024 03:06:46 +0000 https://thecommunist.partyofcommunistsusa.net/?p=258 MAGA Communism has a murky origin. Part of its origin lies in the so-called “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” slogan originated during Ronald Reagan’s 1980 Presidential campaign and popularized by Donald Trump in his 2016 Presidential campaign. The “MAGA” movement espoused many right-wing populist ideas like the construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border, […]

The post “MAGA Communism”: A Whiff of Fascism appeared first on The Communist.

MAGA Communism has a murky origin. Part of its origin lies in the so-called “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” slogan originated during Ronald Reagan’s 1980 Presidential campaign and popularized by Donald Trump in his 2016 Presidential campaign. The “MAGA” movement espoused many right-wing populist ideas like the construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border, “draining the swamp” of DC, and other goals like making other countries “pay” for NATO and bring manufacturing back to the United States.

There are differing factors that led Trump to win the 2016 election, such as the unpopularity of the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton and the perception that Trump was an “outsider” from DC-Beltway politics (though Trump is a member of the capitalist class, don’t think otherwise). However, Trump’s rhetoric continued beyond his election.

The phrase “MAGA” came to represent an idea of bringing America back to a former greatness which is exemplified by an idealized vision of America’s past. This nostalgic vision forgets that America’s past has included the following: slavery, Jim Crow, indigenous genocide, McCarthy-ism, concentration camps for the Japanese, repression of LGBT+ and Women, and more. In short, though America has had progressive ideas, it has never been “great.”

In reality, the MAGA movement under Trump’s first term led to the emboldening of reactionary, quasi-fascist movements, including the march of white nationalists in Charlottesville, a rise in reactionary thought movements like Q-Anon, and a further shifting of politics to the right where religious white nationalists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who initially found their footing in the Tea Party movement, became acceptable public figures.

But how did Communism get mixed up in this? MAGA Communism has its origins in online areas where right-leaning streamers took the ideals of “MAGA” and dressed them in a veneer of Communism and began to spout the idea that “Communism will make America great again”. Its origins include online personalities like Haz Al-Din and Jackson Hinkle, later promoted by other terminally online groups like the Midwestern Marx Institute and others.

A few threads tie them together. All of these groups and people have an uncritical view of present-day capitalist Russia, underlying socially conservative ideas like believing women should be stay-at-home mothers and slandering of the LGBT+ movement under the guise of so-called “family values.” All speak positively of Russia, but hardly ever the Soviet Union. They praised Maduro, including when he attacked opposition groups which included the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). There is nearly zero mention of either Vladimir Lenin or Joseph Stalin. These groups are social chauvinists who opportunistically tail the masses, and their ideology appears closer to Strasserism and National Bolshevism than Communism. Finally, they ideologically praise right-wing demagogues like Alexander Dugin and Lyndon LaRouche.

Strasserism and MAGA Communism: Two Peas in a Pod

This new obscure political trend, MAGA Communism, through its reactionary policies and vague platform, leads the working class into supporting billionaire populists like President Trump against sections of the working class and the downtrodden masses. In fact there are parallels between MAGA Communism and the so-called National “Socialism” of the Strasserist variety.

Strasserism draws its name from its founders, the brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser, who were seen as the “left-wing” of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), also known as the Nazi Party of Germany. To understand the comparison drawn between Strasserism and MAGA Communism, we need to understand what Strasserism was in its essence.

Strasserism as a political movement was the expression of the dissatisfied petty-bourgeoisie (small entrepreneurs), who after WWI were unable to sell their goods, as wages for the working class had dropped to poverty levels and inflation made the German Mark basically worthless. Workers were permanently removed from industry and thus relegated to the underbelly of society as de-classed to the status of lumpenproletariat. These de-classed workers, reduced to fighting for their daily survival, became a breeding ground for the radicalism of this reactionary movement. Even certain sections of the proletariat, being driven from Marxism-Leninism due to the prevailing anti-Communist sentiment and suppression, were also absorbed into the reactionary radical movement. Strasserism purported to build a “socialism” that rejected the proletarian internationalism and materialist philosophy of Bolshevism in favor of an emphasis on the spiritual superiority of the Christian Germanic values.

The base of MAGA Communism is not as well-known as of now but what is known is that the origins of MAGA Communism reside in a group of online personalities such as Haz Al-Din whose infamy is derived from his YouTube platform, Infrared, and Jackson Hinkle, known for  being host of the YouTube channel Deep Dive with Jackson Hinkle. These individuals developed their platform by appealing to the backwards views (as Lenin called them) of the dispossessed. Such rallying points include their anti-LGBT+ scapegoating, going so far to say the LGBT+ movement is the new Nazi movement. Further discussion of the reactionary social policies of the MAGA Communist movement will be in another section. In a debate on the male chauvinist podcast called Fresh and Fit[1], MAGA Communist leader Haz Al-Din claims that private enterprise is compatible with Communism so long as it “benefits the goal of the country or ultimate goals of the Party.” This is reminiscent of an excerpt from Otto Strasser’s Germany Tomorrow:

“The exchange will not be effected in accordance with the arbitrary wishes of the individual producers, but in accordance with a plan drafted to suit the needs of the State, and this will involve the existence of a State monopoly of foreign trade. Such a State monopoly will not (as does the Russian) aim at itself conducting the foreign trade, but will merely supervise, and give licenses for export to such persons as may need them..” [2]

Strasserism, though rejecting the racial theories of the Hitlerites, manifested anti-Semitism in the form of “economic anti-Semitism.” The anti-Jewish sentiment of the Strasserites was based on the idea that the Jewish people were inherently bourgeois and financial elites who were the cause of the economic crisis that shocked Germany and the capitalist world in general. According to Gregor Strasser himself:

“Down with the slavery of capitalism! Down with bloodsucking international world finance! Down with their leaders, their spokesmen, their henchmen: nationally-poisonous Judaism! [Our emphasis—Ed.] Long live the National Revolution! Long live the Social Revolution! Long live their common goal: The common front of productive national labor as the community of all productive German folk-comrades, united in the coming, salvation-bringing National Socialist state.” [3]

It is clear from this quote that the Strasserites believed that the Jewish people were a financial elite that were by their nature a parasitic class. This idea of Jewish elitism “pulling the strings of society” is not new and has its origins in the myth that the Jewish people as a collective killed Jesus Christ. Today, even MAGA Communist leaders such as Jackson Hinkle echo these scapegoating views. In the tweet shown below, while criticizing the Israeli government for its war crimes, he could not help but take a jab at Jews, which is obvious to deduce given that Zionism did not exist at the time of Jesus Christ.

Though these elements claim to pursue a socialist end, it could never come to fruition with their base among the dying petty-bourgeois class. As Karl Marx clearly stated in the Manifesto of the Communist Party:

“In its positive aims, however, this form of Socialism aspires either to restoring the old means of production and of exchange, and with them the old property relations, and the old society, or to cramping the modern means of production and of exchange, within the framework of the old property relations that have been, and were bound to be, exploded by those means. In either case, it is both reactionary and Utopian.”[4]

In essence, Marx shows that the petty bourgeoisie, being an appendage of the bourgeoisie, can only serve ends that restore capitalist property relations. For this reason, and for the reason that the petty bourgeoisie is a class that is condemned to vanish as contradictions in capitalism sharpen, Strasserism and MAGA Communism can only serve the interests of the big bourgeoisie, in this case the most reactionary elements of finance capital, i.e., fascism. This is seen in the example of the Nazi Party, which started as a grouping of disgruntled elements and later served as a vehicle for the Monopolists and a hotbed for their reactionary methods.

Lyndon LaRouche: Ideological Father of MAGA Communism

The MAGA Communist movement from its inception has worked closely with followers of Lyndon LaRouche and its Schiller Institute organization, despite LaRouche’s history of blatant anti-communism.

Jackson Hinkle, MAGA Communist leader, spoke at the Schiller Institute Conference in October of 2022, where he stated:

“Lyndon LaRouche, for those of you who don’t know him, was a great visionary, ran for President, a great thinker … He was involved in many presidential administrations, both Democratic and Republican, in advising them on complex foreign policy matters. He envisioned a world in which … we would, as humans, tap into our unlimited potentiality for growth, and creativity, and build a brighter future by working with the economic powerhouses of the world, the commodities producers of the world, to produce a more prosperous environment for all.”[5]

Furthermore, Haz Al-Din of Infrared has stated that he considers LaRouche to be “one of the most, if not the most, profound theorist and thinker [sic] of policy in the modern age.”

These are strange views indeed from people who claim to be Communists, given the views which were brought forth by LaRouche and the history of his organization and its activities.

LaRouche began his political life as a Trotskyite, joining the Socialist Workers Party in 1948. Later, he briefly joined the Spartacist League (another Trotskyite organization) before announcing his intention to build a “Fifth International.”

In the 1970s, LaRouche organized the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC). This group was initially closely associated with the New Left – and thus petty-bourgeois radical – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). After being expelled by the SDS, the NCLC abandoned any pretense of Marxism-Leninism and quickly became explicitly anti-Communist and anti-Soviet.

The NCLC was, beyond being just a political organization; it was a cult, where members gave up their jobs to devote themselves totally to the cause. They believed that the NCLC would imminently take over the trade union movement and from there proceed to overthrow the American government.

The NCLC membership’s cultish devotion to LaRouche soon manifested in physical violence against their opposition. This began with fights that broke out against Mark Rudd’s faction of Students for a Democratic Society, and later culminated in the infamous “Operation Mop-Up.” Operation Mop-Up was an attack intended to dispose of the “stinking corpse” of the Communist Party USA, whereby Jewish members of the CPUSA were targeted and physically assaulted with lead pipes wrapped in newspapers by members of the NCLC. This act highlights the anti-Semitism which is present within both the LaRouche movement and within MAGA Communism as a whole.

In addition to these acts of physical violence, LaRouche also endorsed “psywar techniques” to be used against his detractors and opponents on the Left. It was a common tactic for targets to be accused of homosexuality in an attempt to ruin their reputation. This is reflected in the chauvinism and homophobia of the modern MAGA Communist movement, which tails many of the most reactionary views against LGBT+ liberation found today.

After the failure of the NCLC, the LaRouche movement formed a front group called the US Labor Party as a platform for La-Rouche’s Presidential ambitions. LaRouche’s characteristic cult methods continued, and even intensified, in this formation. Members were subject to “ego-stripping” and brainwashing sessions, and they were made to place their savings and possessions in the hands of the party to increase its control over them. While the US Labor Party initially preached “Marxist revolution”, it quickly shifted to the far-right, rubbing shoulders with groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the rightist Liberty Lobby. The Liberty Lobby defended the US Labor Party on the basis that it had “confused, disoriented, and disunified the Left,” just as the MAGA Communist movement stands to do today.

Later, in the 1980s, the Schiller Institute formed in West Germany to spread LaRouche’s ideology even further. The Schiller Institute continued LaRouche’s anti-Sovietism, going so far as to accuse the 1984 Democratic Party presidential candidate Walter Mondale of being a “Soviet agent.” The Schiller Institute also supported Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (often called the “Star Wars program”), which sought to develop laser weapons to be deployed to space to further pressure the Soviet Union, in addition to the nuclear arms race which was instigated by the United States government.

LaRouche would later claim to have invented the Strategic Defense Initiative, and this was extended to his so-called “Biological Strategic Defense Initiative”, whereby he proposed quarantining people who had been infected by HIV in the 1980s. LaRouche’s unscientific claim that HIV could be spread as easily as the common cold was a thinly veiled pretext for the rampant homophobia expressed by his initiative.

Today, the Schiller Institute is alive and well, having recently ran Diane Sare as their candidate for New York Senator in 2024. MAGA Communist figures like Jackson Hinkle continue their association and praise of the Schiller Institute and the LaRouche movement to the present day.

The history of the LaRouche movement is marked by chauvinism, anti-Semitism, anti-environmentalism, and anti-Communism. The fact that the leaders of the MAGA Communist movement have given such praise to LaRouche and the Schiller Institute should be taken as a warning to the true nature of their ideology.

Strange Bed-Fellows: Alexander Dugin and MAGA Communism

In addition to their idolization of LaRouche, leaders of the MAGA Communist movement have also identified themselves as followers of Alexander Dugin, supporter of the Russian Tsarist monarchy who endorsed the anti-Communist propaganda of Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Again, an examination of Dugin’s thought, as stated in his own words, will be enlightening as to the actual ideology of the MAGA Communists.

The Fourth Political Theory by Alexander Dugin claims “there is no difference between capitalism, socialism, or communism”. All require rules and regulations that can run over “traditional values” in their wake. “The way out of this dilemma is to achieve freedom. But not a freedom confined to one set of rules and regulations or constitutions.”

Dugin considers liberalism a culprit in the degradation of current social forces by “repudiating practically all social political institutions, right up to the family and sexual differentiation”. Another culprit is the “theory of progress” that “has caused the loss of traditional values sacrificed on the altar of progress, and thereby have just created another form of social and economic slavery”. This shows that the MAGA Communists  are an American branch of Dugin’s reactionary thinking.

Screenshot from BBC interview with Alexander Dugin where he shows off his Monarchist tendencies while attacking Lenin and the Great October Socialist Revolution.
 (Aleksandr Dugin: ‘We have our special Russian truth’ – BBC Newsnight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGunRKWtWBs)

The MAGA Communists also consistently preach of social conservatism[6], similar to this passage from Dugin himself:

“We must also abandon the philosophy of development and propose the following slogan: life is more important than growth. Instead of the ideology of development, we must place our bets on the ideology of conservatism and conservation. However, we not only require conservatism in our daily lives, but also philosophical conservatism. We need the philosophy of conservatism.”[7]

Haz Al-Din has openly praised Dugin as “one of the most powerful minds of our era,”[8] going as far as saying that “Marxist theory in the West is meaningless without the aid of Dugin and Heidegger’s [a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party] thinking.”[9] The same Dugin whose goal is to remove materialism from Socialism:

Haz Al-Din tweet praising Dugin as “one of the most powerful minds of our era.”
Haz Al-Din tweet claim we need the aid of ultra-right theorists such as Dugin and Heidegger to understand Marxism.

“If we free socialism from its materialist, atheistic and modernist features, we arrive at a completely new kind of political ideology. We call it the Fourth Political Theory, or 4PT. …”[10]

Dugin continues with his anti-Communism with:

“… (The first being liberalism, that we essentially challenge, the second being the classical form of communism, the third being national-socialism and fascism). Its elaboration starts from the point of intersection between different anti-liberal political theories of the past (namely communism and the Third way theories). So we arrive at the national-bolshevism that represents socialism without materialism, atheism, progressivism, and Modernism …”[11]

MAGA Communists have thus far focused their attacks on liberalism and other progressive movements including the LGBT+ movement, Starbucks union organizing, and others. Given their parallels to Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory, we wonder who they’re going to attack next.

Alexander Dugin concluded with, “I sincerely believe that the Fourth Political Theory, and its secondary variations, National Bolshevism and Eurasianism, can be of great use for our peoples, our countries, and our civilizations.” This would be in line with the common thread among MAGA Communists who largely are active in support of the non-Soviet Russophile movement based in the concept of Eurasianism.[12]

Though Dugin claims to transcend all other political ideologies, Lenin made it clear that:

“Since there can be no talk of an independent ideology formulated by the working masses themselves in the process of their movement, the only choice is — either bourgeois or socialist ideology. There is no middle course (for mankind has not created a ‘third’ ideology, and, moreover, in a society torn by class antagonisms there can never be a non-class or an above-class ideology). Hence, to belittle the socialist ideology in any way, to turn aside from it in the slightest degree means to strengthen bourgeois ideology.”[13]

MAGA Communism: Center of Social Chauvinism

Leadership of the movement such as Haz and Hinkle, along with their followers, are very anti-LGBT. They justify their bigotry by claiming that acceptance of LGBT people is a sign of “western bourgeois decadence” and compatible with fascism. They ignore socialist countries which have pro-LGBT policies, such as Cuba, Vietnam and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Instead, they focus on instances of LGBT people being repressed in socialist countries. For instance, Hinkle posted a video of a Chinese police officer berating a man for wearing a skirt with the caption “China is a moral nation.”[14]

Women are hardly represented in the MAGA Communist movement, apart from the “Hegelian e-girls,” who could hardly be considered followers of socialism as they tout Hegel, not Marx. Prominent figures of MAGA Communism do not advocate for the rights of working women. Instead, they push a regressive position on the traditional role of the woman as a homemaker and child bearer. They obsess over masculinity and speak as guests on podcasts of right-wing figures who tout misogyny to promote “traditional masculinity” (such as Fresh and Fit, mentioned above).

The movement is led by overtly anti-Semitic individuals. Many claim to be pro-Palestine, though they focus less on the Palestinian liberation movement and more on directing hatred towards Israel and Jewish people. Online posts in these circles about the topic of Israel have anti-Semitic dog whistles. One such dog whistle is the “clown world” conspiracy theory, claiming that the government (or the world) is run by Jewish people. They spout the rhetoric of the Catholic church, that “Jews killed Christ.”

Since deleted tweet from Jackson Hinkle blaming Jews for the murder of Jesus Christ.

All of this is MAGA Communism, a movement that is left in form, right in essence. MAGA Communism furthermore appears to have, as Comrade Gus Hall would say, a “whiff of fascism”, and while Communist Parties worldwide shout “Workers and Oppressed people of the World Unite”, MAGA Communists are petty-bourgeois radicals who through an opportunistic approach to organization confuse the working class and disarm them against fascism. We see that MAGA Communism has many similarities with right-wing, even fascist, forces while using revolutionary phrase-mongering. Time will tell if such “Communist” demagogues will fall into the “Graveyard of [so-called] Communist groups” splattered across the landscape.

[1] https://youtu.be/iww_kD6ZQhA?t=3314

[2] Strasser, Otto, Germany Tomorrow; Jonathan Cape: London, 1940, p. 139.

[3] Strasser, Gregor, “The Slave-Market of Capitalism”. August 23, 1926.

[4] Marx, Karl & Engels, Frederick, The Communist Manifesto; New Outlook Publishers: Seattle, 2022, p. 41.


[6] https://x.com/InfraHaz/status/1495363547240538118

[7] Dugin, Alexander, The Fourth Political Theory; The Eurasian Movement: Moscow, 2012, p. 62.

[8] https://x.com/InfraHaz/status/1766211760770429035. (See Image 3)

[9] https://x.com/InfraHaz/status/1672279455732215809. (See Image 4)

[10] Ibid., p. 205.

[11] Ibid.

[12] Eurasianism — is a socio-political movement in Russia that emerged in the early 20th century under the Russian Empire, it states that Russia does not belong in the “European” or “Asian” categories but instead to the geopolitical concept of Eurasia and the “Russian world”, forming an ostensibly standalone Russian civilization. The goal of the Eurasianists was the unification of the main Christian churches under the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.

[13] Lenin, V.I., What is to Be Done?; New Outlook Publishers: Seattle, 2023, pp. 51-52.

[14] https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1842506425639297315.

The post “MAGA Communism”: A Whiff of Fascism appeared first on The Communist.

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