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Trump Looks From Globalization Back to the “Nation State” to Shore Up US Dominance

By Dr Bhalchandra Kango   Capital – through multinational companies and their staunch supporters Britain, the US and other Western countries – tried to impose their hegemony through so-called free global trade, advocated through the World Trade Organization and described rightly as LPG (Liberation, Privatization and Globalization). This process was initiated [...]

The Manoeuvres of the Theocratic Regime in Iran and the Changes in the Guards to Save the Dictatorship

Statement of the Tudeh Party of Iran The presidential election show, which the ruling regime of Iran was eagerly hoping to turn into a grand endorsement of the theocratic regime, ended with the majority of the nation boycotting it. Even according to the official statistics, in several major cities, including [...]

Safeguard Humankind Against Fascism

Document adopted at the International Anti-Fascist Forum in Minsk, April 22, 2023 We, the participants in the International Anti-Fascist Forum from the countries of Asia, America and Europe, have gathered in Minsk to say a firm “No!” to war and reaction, neo-Fascism and oppression. We have met in the land [...]

National Reunification Across The Taiwan Strait — An Inevitable Trend

In 1972, Yu Kuang-chung, a celebrated poet in Taiwan, published his poem “Nostalgia”, in which he wrote about his agony and frustration in being separated from his family on the mainland for more than 20 years. “And now, nostalgia is a coastline, a shallow strait. I on this side, the [...]